Monday, November 5, 2018


Hello everyone,

Total disclosure, I completely forgot I had this blog until I was cleaning out old bookmarks from my browser. I checked it out and was still good. So here we are.

I'm back behind the GM's screen and running a GURPS Monster Hunters Game entitled; Monster Hunter Nation. We've just begun our third episode of season 2.

This campaign began for two reasons, first I had the creative itch and it needed scratching. Second, I am playing in a game and the GM needed some playing time as well. My last monster hunter game went so well, I figured why not. So I dusted off some notes and got to work.

We play on Roll20 every other Thursday holidays permitting. The game can be found here.

I'll post episode updates and other items of pertinent amusement and import. Until then, keep your magazines full and police your brass. It's going to be fun.

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